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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-10-19 关注次数:0
Dynamic compaction construction can be carried out in the face of different soil quality. Of course, various structural requirements are also different. In this case, different construction methods have different functions. Can it still play a reinforcing role in buildings facing soft soil foundation? How does dynamic compaction reflect the construction method of soft soil?
First, when dynamic compaction is used, we need to know that dynamic compaction is a kind of soft soil with low saturation. During construction, reinforcement plays a very important role in construction. Together, it can be used on other soils. It will produce a strong compaction effect on the ground. What happens during dynamic compaction, the impact of shock wave and compaction is very significant.
It has a stable effect on the compaction of the ground, so it can clean the water and gas contained in the surface, so as to form a good ground. In this case, the drainage channel can increase the strength of the soil and reduce the compactness of the soil, so that the bearing capacity of the layer has a certain effect, and it is relatively easy to apply for land. The application of dynamic compaction is very simple. Use time is also one of the basic land treatment methods.
It can save time and meet low-cost requirements. Now, in many construction industries, the application of dynamic compaction construction is very stable, and a certain foundation shrinkage can be realized. Together, it can improve the strength of the foundation. The reinforcement of the foundation is very useful. Therefore, the application of dynamic compaction has become a very important method in foundation construction. A stable basic improvement method.
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