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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-06-23 关注次数:0
For dynamic compaction construction project, the force of dynamic compaction machine rammer will damage the structure of the soil itself to a certain extent. The air and liquid in the air will form a soil structure. When the dynamic compaction is completed, the soil particles need to be smaller, so the strength and modulus are moving forward.
In this process, the water and air contained in the soil will be affected. If the hammer drop is not stable, the pit wall will collapse easily; If the layer thickness is too large, or the tamping energy is not enough, the useful influence depth is not reached. Air impact on nearby buildings. Due to strong vibration caused by dynamic compaction, the air impact on surrounding buildings was not fully considered before construction.
Therefore, the effect and strength of dynamic compaction is not the stronger the better, but it needs to consider the influence of air and water. If the water pressure loss in the gap is less than the lateral pressure of soil particles, the gap will close itself, and the soil water will return to normal when it moves.
On the other hand, there will be some irregular longitudinal cracks around the dynamic compaction when there is water gushing. When the pore water pressure is lost, the bearing strength and deformation of the soil will be greatly increased, because the soil particles are in close contact with each other, and the adsorbed water layer will be gradually fixed, which is formed by the thixotropy of the soil.
Then, it should be noted that after the construction of the dynamic compaction machine, the dynamic compaction machine also needs regular maintenance. After the operation, the dirt and soil in the cab should be wiped clean. If there is leakage, grease should be applied to avoid equipment rusting. Then check whether the hydraulic system is leaking, whether the connection and appearance of the equipment are normal, and check the oil quantity during the deceleration.
The dynamic compaction machine can replace the gear oil of the reducer all over the place regularly, once every 500 hours of operation. Check and change the oil quantity of walking reducer every 1500 hours. Check and change the oil quantity of luffing reducer every 1500 hours.
The above is some key information that needs to be paid attention to during dynamic compaction construction. I hope the above content will be helpful to you. More relevant information will be published on the website one after another. Thank you for watching.
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