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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-06-28 关注次数:0
What preparations should the dynamic compaction construction company make before the dynamic compaction foundation treatment? The dynamic compaction construction company needs to complete the following tasks before the dynamic compaction foundation treatment:
First of all, in order to ensure the smooth progress of dynamic compaction work, and ensure the quality of dynamic compaction foundation treatment project. The preparation before dynamic compaction is very important. Through careful inspection and analysis, the reasonable foundation treatment method of dynamic compaction is determined, and then the construction plan is determined through the economic and technical analysis of the plan.
As the construction of dynamic compaction will produce a lot of vibration and noise, which is not willing by the residents nearby, it is necessary to take anti vibration and sound insulation measures in advance.
Secondly, we should carefully compare and analyze the water content and soil quality in the construction area, and take corresponding correct methods and measures. The construction period and construction quality are effectively guaranteed; At a later stage, the thickness of the reserved soil layer should be kept properly. Prepare for dynamic compaction backfill.
In addition, in the process of dynamic compaction, we should pay attention to the weather conditions and do a good job in waterproof and drainage to ensure the smooth progress of the project.
Therefore, the dynamic compaction construction company should be fully prepared before dynamic compaction. The more prepared we are, the more aware we are of the unexpected situation, and the better we can avoid unnecessary waste of time and cost.
The above is about the relevant tasks to be completed before the dynamic compaction construction. I hope the above content will be helpful to you. More relevant information will be published on the website one after another http://www.sddhfjx.cn Thank you for watching.
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