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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-06-18 关注次数:0
The process of dynamic compaction is not to simply tamp the process. Due to the high technology of this project, the overall main thing is to have a strong dynamic compaction construction team. Of course, if necessary, professional dynamic compaction operators are needed to prepare all the equipment requirements for dynamic compaction construction, and then we can do better dynamic compaction construction.
The average thickness of the artificial filling layer is 2.58-5.68m, and the average thickness of the silt layer is 3.94-6.72m. According to the analysis of the nature of the soil layer, the most vulnerable soil layers of the subgrade are artificial filling layer, silt and muddy soil. The site has been leveled, and the mechanical equipment has been built. The appearance is lax, and the soil layer has been preloaded.
Drainage ditches have been dug around the construction site in rainy season to avoid ponding on the surface of the site. Technical data such as geotechnical engineering survey statement, plan of dynamic compaction site and requirements of planning on dynamic compaction shall be provided. All the above ground and underground obstructions within the scope of dynamic compaction have been revoked or demolished, and the protection methods have been selected for those that cannot be revoked.
The first process of dynamic compaction construction engineering is block stone backfill, dynamic compaction construction, etc. According to the project planning and construction characteristics, and in connection with the actual situation, the project management department shall be arranged on the construction site to cooperate with the owner and the supervisor for project treatment, and the task can be completed only by unified command, harmony between the exterior and interior, and support control according to the construction network technology.
Therefore, before the dynamic compaction construction, it is necessary to measure the tamping point and record the measurement. At the same time, the lifting weight also needs to reach 50 tons. Only in this way can the crane be satisfied with the height of the rammer. What the dynamic compaction construction team should do here is to clarify that it is necessary for the crane to have safety equipment to prevent the construction accident caused by the backward of the wall pole.
The above is about the relevant work of dynamic compaction before construction. I hope the above content will be helpful to you. More relevant information will be published on the website one after another. Thank you for watching.
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