

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-06-03 关注次数:0
Dynamic compaction method has been widely used in highway, railway, airport, nuclear power station, large industrial area, port reclamation and other foundation reinforcement projects. The utility model has the advantages of short construction period, good effect and low cost.
The dynamic compaction method is suitable for the treatment of gravel soil, sandy soil, silt and cohesive soil with low saturation, collapsible loess, plain fill and miscellaneous fill. Before dynamic compaction, one or several test areas should be selected on the representative site of the construction site for trial compaction or trial construction. The number of test areas should be determined according to the complexity of construction site, construction scale and building type.
1、动力固结:当强夯法应用于处理细颗粒饱和黏土时,其加固机理则是动力固结理论。强夯时,巨大的冲击能 量在土中产生很大的应力波,破坏土体的原有结构,使土体局部发生液化并产生许多裂隙,增 大了排水通道,使孔隙水顺利逸出,待超孔隙水压力消散后,土体固结。由于软土的触变性,强度得到恢复。(安利一下,触变性是指含水率不变情况下黏土因为重 塑而软 化,强度降低,软 化后随着静置时间延长而硬化,强度增长的性质)
1. Dynamic consolidation: when dynamic consolidation method is used to treat fine-grained saturated clay, its reinforcement mechanism is dynamic consolidation theory. During dynamic compaction, the huge impact energy produces a large stress wave in the soil, destroys the original structure of the soil, liquefies the soil locally and produces many cracks, increases the drainage channel, and makes the pore water escape smoothly. After the excess pore water pressure dissipates, the soil consolidates. Because of the thixotropy of the soft soil, the strength is restored( Amway: thixotropy refers to the property that clay softens due to remolding and its strength decreases under the condition of constant moisture content. After softening, it hardens with the extension of standing time and its strength increases.)
2. Dynamic compaction: the dynamic compaction method is used to reinforce porous, coarse-grained and unsaturated clay based on the mechanism of dynamic compaction, that is, the impact dynamic load reduces the pores in the soil and makes the soil dense, so as to improve the strength of foundation soil. The compaction process of unsaturated soil is the process in which the gas phase (air) in soil is squeezed out, and the compaction deformation is mainly caused by the relative displacement of soil particles.
3. Dynamic replacement: dynamic replacement can be divided into integral replacement and pile replacement. Integral replacement uses dynamic compaction to squeeze the gravel into the silt, and its mechanism is similar to that of soil replacement cushion. Pile replacement is to fill gravel into soil by dynamic compaction, and part of gravel piles (or piers) are rammed into soft soil at intervals to form pile (pier) gravel piles (piers). Its mechanism is similar to that of gravel piles formed by vibroflotation method, forming composite foundation as a whole.
强夯法不仅能提高地基土的强度,降低其压缩性,还能改 善抗振动液化的能力和消 除土的湿陷性,因此它不仅适用于处理碎石土、砂土、粉土、黏性土、杂填土和素填土地基,还常用于处理可液化砂土地基和湿陷性黄土地基。
Dynamic compaction method can not only improve the strength of foundation soil and reduce its compressibility, but also improve the ability of anti vibration liquefaction and eliminate the collapsibility of soil. Therefore, it is not only suitable for the treatment of gravel soil, sand soil, silt, cohesive soil, miscellaneous fill and plain fill foundation, but also for the treatment of liquefiable sand soil foundation and collapsible loess foundation.
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