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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-06-07 关注次数:0
With the development of dynamic compaction construction technology, the leasing demand of dynamic compaction machine also increases, which also promotes the development of dynamic compaction machine leasing companies. The prices of different dynamic compaction machine leasing companies are also different. In this case, someone may ask such a question: what determines the price of dynamic compaction machine? Here is a detailed introduction by the dynamic compaction machine rental manufacturer:
Dynamic compaction energy is divided into low energy level, medium energy level and high energy level. The size of construction project determines the size of compaction energy. The product of hammer weight and falling distance is called compaction energy. How to calculate the price of dynamic compaction? The dynamic compaction construction team can determine the tamping energy through on-site trial tamping, and if the tamping energy is too small, the reinforcement effect is poor; If the tamping energy is too large, the saturated clay will be destroyed to form rubber soil and reduce the strength.
The unit price of dynamic compaction machine is related to many factors, which is generally priced by square meter. The unit price is mainly related to the construction quantity, tamping energy, construction period, geological conditions, etc. it is not the same. The general unit price is from 10 yuan / m2 to 30 yuan / m2. The unit price of dynamic compaction generally includes labor cost, diesel cost, machinery cost, material cost, equipment transfer cost, management cost and tax. Generally, it does not include the cost of tamping pit leveling and testing after tamping.
The above is the dynamic compaction machine rental price change factors, hope to help you. More highlights can be directly focused on: http://www.sddhfjx.cn
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