

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-05-17 关注次数:0
The use of dynamic compaction method is in the foundation treatment, which is a common method in the construction work. During the construction, the construction method of dynamic compaction foundation treatment should have clear key construction monitoring, so how to ensure the dynamic compaction construction in detail? Why should dynamic compaction be used in construction?
首要,咱们都知道的是在进行强夯施工的时候,施工的安 全性是非常有必要得到一定的保证的,所以在进行强夯施工之前,这些问题都是需要去供认,这样可以在强夯施工中去更好的闪现其紧缩的特性,在进行施工的时分也是会由于强夯法带来的高紧缩性而关于地基构成安稳的作用。
First of all, we all know that it is very necessary to ensure the safety of the construction during the dynamic compaction construction, so before the dynamic compaction construction, these problems need to be confessed, so that the tightening characteristics can be better flashed in the dynamic compaction construction, During the construction, the high compactness brought by dynamic compaction also plays an important role in the stability of the foundation.
This is closely related to the settlement of the building and the subsequent construction, and the bearing capacity of the building also plays a great role. Therefore, in this case, the effect of dynamic compaction foundation can better improve the compactness of the soil.
Another point is that in the process of dynamic compaction foundation treatment, the dynamic compaction method can improve the soil shear method, which can prevent the soil from being damaged to a certain extent, and the subsequent application can have a better effect.
Of course, it can also prevent the arch of the pit bottom caused by the poor bearing capacity of the foundation in the application of the soil, so as to improve the water permeability of the soil, so as to prevent the infiltration in the improvement of the foundation.
在使用强夯施工前,会出现一些不规则形状的场所面积的核算相对比较复杂,此时则需凭仗一些测量仪器,例如全站仪等。常见的全站仪均有面积测算的功用,可以说非常精 准,操作也相对简略,只需求将设备架设到强夯区域的距离,以两点成一线终究闭合整块区域,即可得出强夯的施工面积。
Before the use of dynamic compaction construction, there will be some irregular shape of the site area accounting is relatively complex, at this time, it needs to rely on some measuring instruments, such as total station. The common total station has the function of area measurement, which can be said to be very accurate, and the operation is relatively simple. It only needs to set up the distance between the equipment and the dynamic compaction area, and finally close the whole area with two points in a line, then the construction area of dynamic compaction can be obtained.
The above is about the dynamic compaction before the construction of some things to do, more relevant news, small editor will be published on the website, thank you for watching.
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