

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2020-10-07 关注次数:0
强夯地基适用于碎石土、砂土、湿陷性黄土、低饱和的粉土和粘性土等地基。是通过(tōng guò)起重机(起重机三脚架或龙门架)的夯锤(8t—30t)上升到预定高度(6m—20m)自由落下,对地基形成夯击能,夯击能对地基产生一个冲击波和夯击应用,使地面裂隙,土体分解,迫使土层空隙压缩,土体局部液化,形成一个良好的排水通道,孔隙间水和气体逸出,地基重新排组,地基达到一个瞬速固结的方法,从而提高了地基承载力,减少沉降,其地基表面形成一个较均匀的硬层来承受上部荷载。强夯施工设备对地基强夯处理有哪些要求及影响:
Dynamic compaction foundation is suitable for gravel soil, sandy soil, collapsible loess, low saturated silt and cohesive soil. Through (t ō ng The rammer (8t-30t) of crane (crane tripod or gantry) rises to the predetermined height (6m-20m) and falls freely. The ramming energy can produce a shock wave on the foundation. The ramming energy can produce a shock wave and tamping application on the foundation. The ground fissures and soil mass decompose, forcing the soil voids to compress and the soil to liquefy, forming a good drainage channel, and water and gas escaping between the pores In order to improve the bearing capacity of the foundation and reduce the settlement, a uniform hard layer is formed on the surface of the foundation to bear the upper load. What are the requirements and impacts of dynamic compaction construction equipment on foundation dynamic compaction treatment
1)夯锤:夯锤重量一般是8t—30t,夯锤底部大多数使用三角形和多边形。夯锤一般是钢筋(英文:steel bar)混凝土制成圆锥体(底部垫钢板),其夯锤底部应有多个贯穿的通气孔,有利于夯锤落下时底部空气瞬速排气和减少坑底吸力。锤重根据处理土层的厚度、锤底面积和落距确定,夯锤底面尺寸根据土类确定:砂性土和碎石土采用2~4m2;粘性土采用3~4m2。
1) Rammer: the weight of rammer is generally 8t-30t, and triangle and polygon are used at the bottom of rammer. The rammer is usually made of steel bar concrete and made into a cone (with steel plate at the bottom). The bottom of the rammer should have a number of through holes, which is conducive to the quick exhaust of air at the bottom of the rammer and reduce the suction at the bottom of the pit. The hammer weight is determined according to the thickness of soil layer, hammer bottom area and drop distance, and the bottom dimension of rammer is determined according to soil type: 2-4m2 for sandy soil and gravel soil; 3-4m2 for cohesive soil.
2) 起重机:一般采用15t以上履带式起重机或者其它的起重设备,国外制作出专用的三角架和轮胎式强夯(hāng)机,可吊400kN夯锤,落距可达40m。当锤重不超过起重机的卷扬机起吊能力时,夯击工艺可采用单缆锤击法。
2) Crane: generally, crawler crane of more than 15t or other lifting equipment are used. Special tripod and wheel type dynamic compaction (H ā ng) machine are manufactured abroad, which can lift 400kN rammer and drop distance can reach 40m. When the hammer weight does not exceed the hoisting capacity of the crane, the single cable hammering method can be used.
3)脱钩装置:当锤重超过起重机的起吊重量时,不能采用单缆锤击法施工,这时可利用滑轮(pulley)组和借助脱钩装置来起落夯(hāng)锤。将夯锤挂在脱钩装置上,起重机将夯锤吊到规定(guī dìng)高度,利用脱钩器使夯锤自由下落。脱钩装置灵活,能保持夯锤平稳下落,同时挂钩方便、迅速。
3) Uncoupling device: when the hammer weight exceeds the lifting weight of the crane, the single cable hammering method cannot be used. In this case, pulley group and unhooking device can be used to lift and lower the hammer. Hang the rammer on the decoupling device, lift the ram to the specified height (Gu ī D ì ng) with a crane, and use the decoupler to make the hammer fall freely. The detaching device is flexible, which can keep the rammer falling down smoothly, and the hook is convenient and rapid.
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