

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2020-09-27 关注次数:0
强夯工程,具有更、更、更、更的优势 ;随着经济体制改革的不断深入,加入WTO和经济全球化的影响,市场机制和人民的思想正在发生根本性的变化。
With the deepening of economic system reform, China's entry into WTO and the influence of economic globalization, market mechanism and Chinese people's thoughts are undergoing fundamental changes.
This change has also promoted the development and growth of China's construction machinery leasing industry. This phenomenon reflects the vigorous development of dynamic compaction machine leasing business.
First of all, you can see a very obvious asset optimization development of the scale of the leasing industry. For many construction machinery, the degree of specialization is very high, and its function and use have great limitations. Construction machinery can complete a specific task. Different projects must have different equipment schemes. Therefore, the equipment is idle and the utilization rate is not high, which restricts the economic benefits of construction enterprises. To the society, it causes a great waste of resources. Leasing industry can play a regulatory role in many engineering contractors, activate idle equipment, optimize social inventory assets, which is conducive to promoting social investment, and is an important means to promote the circulation of funds and equipment. Independent leasing companies, a new way of leasing into the capital market, make them work for money, is a good way to invest.
Second, strengthen the role renewal of equipment leasing industry. With the rapid development of modern science and technology, the development of new technology and new materials, endless new technology application project construction, the project scale is becoming larger and larger, the quality requirements are higher and higher, and more and more strict control of environmental protection, which also causes the renewal speed of construction machinery. Engineering contractors with foresight in technology reserve should have their own construction equipment to maintain their leading position in technical competition, but they should not buy blindly. With the help of the leasing industry, advanced facilities can be maintained to avoid backward technological risks.
Consider important or technological progress, which indicates the development prospect of leasing industry. In the 1980s, there were obvious technological progress in the world, but we had not yet completed the industrialization transformation and ushered in the information age. Now electronic sensors, computers, engineering machinery, electro-hydraulic control system has been widely used, making the machine become thinking (microcomputer), sensory organ (sensor), neural network (transmission), viscera (engine and gearbox), foot bone (with the operation of equipment work) mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, information integration system, and in the development direction of robot. The complex coefficient and machinery equipment are relatively large, so it is more and more difficult for engineering contractors to fully master the use of these equipment. Standardizing the management of leasing companies can greatly reduce the construction contractor's technical difficulty and operation cost in purchasing, facilities providing, technical service system, operating personnel and technical maintenance and repair. Leasing companies, comprehensive technical means, can make the enterprise better, stronger and bigger, and the prospect is self-evident.
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