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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2020-09-14 关注次数:0
Now many construction teams in the foundation compaction project, generally will adopt the dynamic compaction method to reinforce the foundation, the advantages of dynamic compaction method are very many, the foundation dynamic compaction project for dynamic compaction equipment requirements is also very low, and the construction is convenient, which greatly reduces the construction cost to a certain extent, and its application scope is very wide, in the dynamic compaction construction too The consumption of materials in the project is also very small, and the construction time is short, which can better help the follow-up project to start quickly. So, what control points should we pay attention to when we use dynamic compaction equipment to tamp foundation? Next, we'll learn about the control points of dynamic compaction machine construction! Dynamic compaction machine rental
1. Trial compaction shall be carried out before construction, and the weight, bottom diameter and falling distance of rammer shall be selected so as to determine the final settlement, the corresponding minimum tamping times and total settlement and other construction parameters. The compactness and tamping depth of trial compaction must meet the design requirements.
2. The tamping range of foundation pit should be larger than the bottom of foundation. During excavation, the width of each side of the foundation pit should not be less than 0.3 m than the design width, so as to facilitate the compaction work and slow down the slope of the foundation pit. Before tamping, the bottom of foundation pit shall be higher than the design elevation, and the thickness of reserved soil layer can be the total settlement of trial compaction plus 50-100 mm. After tamping, tamp the surface of foundation pit to the design elevation.
3. Do a good job of monitoring and recording in the construction process, including checking the weight and falling distance of the rammer, rechecking the setting out of the tamping point, checking the location of the tamping pit, checking the tamping times of each tamping point and the tamping settlement of each tamping point as required, and making detailed records of the construction parameters and the implementation of the construction process as the basis for quality control.
The above is about the construction quality of dynamic compaction foundation to grasp the control points, hope to be able to better help you through the above understanding of dynamic compaction engineering construction.
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