

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-06-08 关注次数:0
Dynamic compaction machine construction has been widely used in highway, railway, airport, nuclear power station, large industrial area, port reclamation and other foundation reinforcement projects, but the construction management mainly depends on human factors for process control.
比如:对夯点位置的定位更依赖操作工的经验,且无法监控每个夯点的夯击次数、夯沉量等数据参数,存在重复作业、施工效率较低等缺点。通过在强夯设备上集成施工管理系统,通过信息化的手段,能够帮助操作工对设备进行更加精 准的控制,对机器进行更好利用。
For example, the location of the tamping point depends more on the operator's experience, and can not monitor the tamping times, tamping settlement and other data parameters of each tamping point, which has the disadvantages of repeated operation and low construction efficiency. By integrating the construction management system on the dynamic compaction equipment and by means of information technology, it can help the operators to control the equipment more accurately and make better use of the machine.
Rental price of dynamic compaction machine
1、 System introduction
The dynamic rammer construction management system consists of five modules: high precision positioning module, ranging module, display module, main control module and communication module.
1. High precision positioning module
高精定位模块一般是基于GPS或北斗系统,通过RTK技术实现高精定位,定位精度可达厘米级。高精定位模块由两个定位天线构成,一个安装在强夯机吊臂额头上,另外一个安装在强夯机尾部的配重或A型架顶部,天线安装位置上方不能有覆盖物遮挡。通过两个天线的精 准定位可以判断强夯机方位,方向,强夯机转轴中 心位置以及强夯机所在地表高程等数据。
High precision positioning module is generally based on GPS or Beidou system, through RTK technology to achieve high precision positioning, positioning accuracy can reach centimeter level. The high precision positioning module is composed of two positioning antennas, one is installed on the forehead of the boom of the dynamic compaction machine, and the other is installed on the top of the counterweight or A-frame at the tail of the dynamic compaction machine. There should be no covering above the antenna installation position. Through the accurate positioning of the two antennas, we can judge the direction and direction of the dynamic compaction machine, the center position of the rotating shaft of the dynamic compaction machine and the surface elevation of the dynamic compaction machine.
2. Ranging module
Ranging module is composed of ranging sensor and its cable, which is generally installed near the main winch or boom forehead guide pulley. Its main function is to measure the lifting height, falling distance and tamping settlement of rammer.
3. Display module
The display module is composed of an industrial tablet computer and its cable. The display module is installed in the dynamic rammer cockpit, which can display the ramming point arrangement, ramming times, hammer lifting height, ramming settlement and other data for the dynamic rammer driver in real time, as well as the dynamic simulation of rammer construction.
4. Main control module
主控模块是整套系统的控制核心,其作用是接收传感器数据并处理,并将处理后的数据发送到平板电脑上进行显示,同时把施工数据通过4G天线发送到后台云服务监控中 心进行处理。
The main control module is the control core of the whole system. Its function is to receive and process the sensor data, send the processed data to the tablet computer for display, and send the construction data to the background cloud service monitoring center through 4G antenna for processing.
5. Communication module
通讯模块由4G天线组成,其作用是实时传输施工数据到后台云服务监控中 心进行处理。
The communication module is composed of 4G antenna, which is used to transmit the construction data to the background cloud service monitoring center in real time for processing.
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