

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-06-15 关注次数:0
Dynamic compaction is a technology commonly used in the construction industry at present. When we carry out dynamic compaction construction, there are often some problems. Let's take you to understand the three commonly used situations in the lease and replacement of dynamic compaction machine.
1)当局部基面是厚度合适的砂垫层且下层是可压缩粉质软土时,用低能夯将土砂通过动态夯压挤入软土层中,形成砂桩。这种沙堆的容量非常高。同时,也可以通过更换沙桩来加固下面的软土,从而提高 强 度。动态更换砂桩
1) When the local foundation surface is sand cushion with appropriate thickness and the lower layer is compressible silty soft soil, the soil sand is squeezed into the soft soil by dynamic compaction with low energy compaction to form sand pile. This kind of sand pile has a very high capacity. At the same time, sand piles can also be replaced to strengthen the soft soil below, so as to improve the strength. Dynamic replacement of sand pile
2) Similar to the above, the surface of soft foundation is usually filled with a certain thickness of gravel material layer, which is impacted by the rammer to form a hole, and then backfilled with gravel material again to form a gravel pile. Dynamic replacement of gravel pile.
3)填满35米的淤泥软土层。利用碎石的重量和夯锤的冲击力使石头位于坚硬的土壤层上。大部分泥沙被挤出,少量残留在裂缝中,形成了由动态压实代替的岩 石 层。利用石头之间的相互接触来提高基础的承载能力。它也类似于垫子中的“排石和淤泥挤压”方法,并且下层的软土也可以快速固结,从而提高了下层的强度。
3) Fill 3 to 5 meters of silt soft soil. The weight of the crushed stone and the impact force of the rammer are used to make the stone lie on the hard soil layer. Most of the sediment is squeezed out and a small amount remains in the cracks, forming a rock layer replaced by dynamic compaction. The bearing capacity of the foundation can be improved by using the contact between stones. It is also similar to the method of "stone discharging and silt squeezing" in the cushion, and the soft soil in the lower layer can also be consolidated quickly, thus improving the strength of the lower layer.
The above is about the introduction of dynamic compaction, hope to help you. If you want to know more about the wonderful content of the lease of Qing dynamic compaction machine, please pay attention to: http://www.sddhfjx.cn , online customer service will answer your questions.
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