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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2022-08-24 关注次数:0
The dynamic compaction foundation is a very important part of the dynamic compaction. The stability of the dynamic compaction foundation ensures the safety and integrity of the dynamic compaction construction. Therefore, the reinforcement of the dynamic compaction foundation is our top priority. The following dynamic compaction machine rental manufacturer will explain the relevant contents for you.
Dynamic compaction method is also known as dynamic consolidation method. It is to drop a heavy hammer from a high place to achieve the effect of tamping the foundation. In this way, the strength of the foundation soil can be improved, while the compressibility can be reduced, and the collapsibility of loess can be eliminated to achieve the purpose of foundation reinforcement.
Using a heavy hammer to impact soil particles to break them or generate relative movement between water, to achieve microstructure damage, and also to quickly compress or discharge some gas in the pores, while the pore volume is reduced, so it is easy to form a dense soil structure.
Some cooperative companies will choose to constantly replace some companies for cooperation. The purpose is to find better cooperative companies and complete the work better and faster. During this period, checking machinery is a key point. Sometimes two companies face the competition of one project at the same time, and it is often machinery that determines the success or failure.
A brand-new large-scale machine has certain advantages compared with a machine that has been used for more than ten years. Now the company cooperation is more rational and perfect. The cooperation depends on some data and hardware equipment.
Do a good job in monitoring and recording during the construction process, including checking the weight and falling distance of the tamping hammer, rechecking the setting out of the tamping point, checking the position of the tamping pit, checking the tamping times of each tamping point and the tamping settlement of each tamping point as required, and making detailed records of various construction parameters and the implementation of the construction process as the basis for quality control.
This is the general information about the important part of the dynamic compaction foundation. You can learn about this and it will help the safe and smooth use of the dynamic compaction machine. For more information, please visit our website http://www.sddhfjx.cn Consult.
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