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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2022-08-19 关注次数:0
The technical method of dynamic compaction construction is common in foundation treatment engineering. Although this method has many advantages, it also has some inevitable disadvantages. Let's talk about this aspect from the rental manufacturer of dynamic compaction machine.
For example, the noise during construction disturbs the residents, and the vibration caused by foundation compaction affects the building structure. During construction, the company will do a good job in handling and avoiding to minimize and eliminate the impact of these factors.
The dynamic compaction project is relatively close to the residential area, and the foreseeable impacts are that the residents cannot have a normal rest at night, and the interference will lead to low work efficiency of the residents, and the quality of all aspects will be greatly reduced. In addition, as the dynamic compaction vibration is a process of releasing energy, it will have an impact on the building structure. Slight vibration may be shaking, and severe vibration may be tilting. If the destructive force is great, corresponding measures should be taken in time.
In the face of possible impacts, the first step of the dynamic compaction company is to analyze the causes of noise in the construction site of dynamic compaction, and conduct multiple tests and experiments around the site to collect relevant data and obtain the propagation law of force and vibration generated by dynamic compaction. This helps to estimate the destructive force of vibration on the surrounding environment. Generally speaking, if the construction site of dynamic compaction is not too far from the residential area, the construction at night shall be avoided, and the damping ditch shall be set during the construction in the daytime. In addition, it is also necessary to take some more effective anti vibration and vibration reduction measures in combination with the actual situation of the site.
In addition, selecting a good manufacturer of Dynamic Compaction Engineering is a matter that needs to be put on the agenda. What are the key points to pay attention to when selecting the dynamic compaction project:
The good reputation of the dynamic compaction engineering construction company shows that the company is a good trustworthy and cooperative company, because the reputation is not a matter of one day. What the reputation needs is a very reliable praise accumulated over the years. It is a very correct choice to cooperate with the well-known Dynamic Compaction Engineering Company.
The performance of machines for Foundation Dynamic Compaction Engineering reflects the core value of a company. Only good machines can build reliable and stable foundations. Machines with good quality and performance can control some characteristics of the ground well when working, and generally will not cause some problems difficult to control in the future.
Good dynamic compaction engineering manufacturers are strict in various requirements, not only for machinery and equipment, but also for employees. The strict requirements naturally improve the company's reputation. For more information, please visit our website http://www.sddhfjx.cn Consult and understand.
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