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  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-09-07 关注次数:0
Dynamic compaction method is a physical method in foundation treatment. It is a method of compacting deep soil by impact. It is a typical dynamic problem. Its principle is to use powerful compaction energy to force deep soil liquefaction and dynamic consolidation, so as to compact the soil, so as to improve the strength of foundation soil, reduce compressibility, and eliminate soil collapsibility, swelling shrinkage and liquefaction.
In addition, the mechanism of dynamic consolidation should be divided into macro mechanism and micro mechanism.
(1) The macroscopic mechanism is explained from the impact force on the soil in the reinforcement area, the propagation of stress wave and the influence of soil strength on soil densification.
(2) The micro mechanism explains the change of soil microstructure under impact force, such as the rearrangement and connection of soil particles. The macro mechanism is the external performance, and the micro mechanism is the internal basis.
Secondly, saturated soil and unsaturated soil should be distinguished.
Theoretically, under the action of good tamping energy, the pore water pressure in the foundation soil reaches the self weight pressure of the soil. Such tamping energy can be called good tamping energy. In cohesive soil, due to the slow dissipation of pore water pressure, when the tamping energy gradually increases, the pore water pressure will be superimposed accordingly. Therefore, the good tamping energy can be determined according to the increased value of pore water pressure. In sandy soil, the growth and dissipation process of pore water pressure is only a few minutes, so the pore water pressure can not be superimposed with the increase of tamping energy, and the good tamping energy can be determined according to the relationship between the increment of large pore water pressure and tamping times.
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