

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2020-11-13 关注次数:0
Where can dynamic consolidation rental market price be learned? Dynamic compaction leasing tells you that the foundation dynamic compaction plan is different, and the foundation structure reinforcement budget required by dynamic compaction lease will also show great difference. When the design scheme staff make the dynamic compaction plan, the demand is made according to the structure reinforcement budget obtained by customers. If the budget is sufficient, it will be more feasible.
If the customer's assets follow slowly, the foundation structure reinforcement toughness prepared in advance will just complete the project construction, which requires the design scheme staff to pay more attention to the rationality rules when formulating the dynamic compaction plan. The reinforced concrete hoop can be used to strengthen the foundation to resist the expansion and contraction force of the foundation soil in horizontal direction, so that the foundation will not crack.

In our daily life, we often encounter the construction of houses. As for the construction of houses, the foundation is particularly important. The foundation is unstable, and the tall buildings will collapse in a flash. The dynamic compaction machine is a method to stop the compaction of soft soil foundation by using the method of dynamic compaction replacement. Then how can the dynamic compaction construction equipment assist the end of the dynamic compaction project.
Dynamic consolidation leasing
When the houses are seriously cracked and damaged and in a risk state, most of them need to be removed or rebuilt completely. The dynamic compaction leasing company can adopt the method of adding reinforced concrete ring beam on the original foundation, so as to prevent the expansion and contraction force of foundation soil into the superstructure. Guiyang dynamic compaction equipment is used to polish the original foundation surface with cement mortar and pave a layer of asphalt felt to make the reinforced concrete ring beam and the foundation form hinge joint, so as to reduce the transmission of expansion and contraction force of foundation soil.
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