

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2020-11-10 关注次数:0
1) Before the construction of dynamic compaction at night, complete dynamic compaction construction scheme and targeted skill disclosure shall be formulated.
2) During the construction of dynamic compaction at night, the lighting equipment meeting the construction requirements shall be ensured, and the standby power supply shall be prepared. Night workers must wear reflective warning clothing and be equipped with lighting equipment (strong flashlight).
3) The materials to be used in the construction of that night should be carefully checked in all aspects during the day in advance, and any problems found shall be replaced in time.
4) Before the construction of dynamic compaction, special personnel shall be assigned to check whether the lighting equipment works normally and the construction equipment is in good condition.
5) The construction personnel participating in the dynamic compaction at night must ensure the construction safety, and the safety personnel shall inspect and supervise the construction in shifts.
6) Because of the particularity of dynamic compaction construction at night, quality control must be strengthened to ensure that each dynamic compaction construction equipment has a technician on duty.
7) In the construction of dynamic compaction at night, it is necessary to strengthen communication to ensure smooth communication, and timely find relevant management personnel to deal with problems.
8) After the completion of each operation at night, the person in charge of the operation shall check the dynamic compaction construction site and completed projects, report the inspection results to the dynamic compaction construction management personnel, and leave the post only after the project quality meets the requirements.
Chongqing dynamic compaction construction project
9) All night dynamic compaction construction projects should be carefully rechecked in the daytime to eliminate quality problems.
10) The safety and quality problems of dynamic compaction construction shall be fully considered. It is forbidden to insert dynamic compaction construction procedures at night.
11) Do a good job in the protection of dynamic compaction construction at night, and set up conspicuous traffic signs, safety signs, guardrails, warning lights and other signs on the construction site. Ensure the safety of pedestrians, dynamic compaction construction machinery and dynamic compaction construction personnel.
12) It is necessary for special personnel to take care of the electrical equipment for dynamic compaction construction at night to ensure the safety of electrical equipment and personal.
13) It is forbidden to carry out dynamic compaction construction in case of bad weather at night.
14) During the construction of dynamic compaction at night, the combination part of each working procedure or operation area shall have obvious luminous signs.
15) In case of deep foundation pit and trench excavation in night dynamic compaction construction, the project must be suspended and fenced.
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