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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2022-05-23 关注次数:0
Dynamic compaction method is a physical method in foundation treatment, which uses impact to compact deep soil. Its principle is mainly to use the powerful tamping energy of dynamic compactor to force deep soil liquefaction and dynamic consolidation, so as to make the soil dense. Dynamic compaction method is mainly used to improve the strength of foundation soil, reduce compressibility, and eliminate soil collapsibility, swelling shrinkage and liquefaction. The following describes three different reinforcement mechanisms of dynamic compaction method:
1. Dynamic consolidation. When the dynamic compaction method is applied to treat fine-grained saturated clay, its reinforcement mechanism is the dynamic consolidation theory. During operation, the huge impact energy will produce a large stress wave in the soil, thus damaging the original structure of the soil, so as to liquefy the soil locally and produce many cracks, increase the drainage channel, and make the pore water escape smoothly. After the excess pore water pressure dissipates, the soil will be consolidated. Due to the thixotropy of soft soil, the strength is restored.
2. Dynamic compaction. The dynamic compaction method is used to strengthen porous, coarse-grained and unsaturated clay based on the mechanism of dynamic compaction, that is, impact dynamic load, which reduces the pores in the soil and makes the soil dense, so as to improve the strength of foundation soil.
3. Dynamic replacement. Dynamic replacement can be divided into integral replacement and pile replacement. Integral replacement uses dynamic compaction to squeeze the gravel into the sludge as a whole, and its action mechanism is similar to that of soil replacement cushion. Pile replacement is to fill the gravel into the soil through dynamic compaction, and some gravel piles (or piers) are tamped into the soft soil at intervals to form pile (pier) gravel piles (piers). Its action mechanism is similar to the gravel piles formed by vibroflotation method, forming a composite foundation as a whole.
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