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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2022-05-18 关注次数:0
The purpose of dynamic compaction machine construction disposal is to eliminate the local collapsibility of the foundation and reduce the total collapsibility of the foundation to be disposed. The remaining collapsibility of the untreated collapsible loess layer in the lower part shall not be greater than the planning rule value. Let's see how to standardize the use of Leibo dynamic compactor equipment to reduce the uneven settlement of the foundation.
1、 The dynamic compaction machine will shorten the working period. Experience shows that after dynamic compaction, the 5 ~ 12m thick sandy impact layer can instantly settle 15 ~ 50cm; Tamping again can produce instantaneous settlement, which is about 60% of the initial settlement. This forced settlement speed is unmatched by other ordinary methods. The average power of each equipment to strengthen the foundation is 300 ~ 600m per day. When the dynamic compaction equipment leaves the site, various subgrade works and structural works on the foundation can be started immediately without waiting.
2、 Reduce uneven settlement. The average settlement of the foundation can be reduced by less than 10 ~ 2 times after the application of the dynamic compaction machine, which can greatly reduce the difference of the average settlement of the foundation.
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