

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-03-16 关注次数:0
1、强夯法的有效加固深度应根据现场试夯或当地经验确定。在缺少试验资料或经验时可按下表预估。单击夯击能 碎石土、砂土等 粉土、黏性土、湿陷性黄土等。
1. The effective reinforcement depth of dynamic compaction method should be determined according to field trial compaction or local experience. In case of lack of test data or experience, it can be estimated according to the following table. The results show that single click ramming can improve the quality of gravel soil, sandy soil and other silt, cohesive soil and collapsible loess.
2、 强夯的单位夯击能量,应根据地基土类别、结构类型荷载大小和要求处理的深度等综合考虑,并通过现场试夯确定。在一般情况下,对于粗颗粒土可取1000~3000KN·m/m2;细颗粒土可取1500~4000KN·m/m2。
2. The unit tamping energy of dynamic compaction should be comprehensively considered according to the type of foundation soil, structure type, load size and required treatment depth, and determined by on-site trial compaction. In general, 1000-3000kn · M / m2 for coarse-grained soil and 1500-4000kn · M / m2 for fine-grained soil.
3、 夯点的夯击次数,应按现场试夯得到的夯击次数和夯沉量关系曲线确定,且应同时满足下列条件:
3. The number of tamping points shall be determined according to the relationship curve between tamping times and tamping settlement obtained from field trial tamping, and the following conditions shall be met at the same time:
A.两击的平均夯沉量不大于50mm,当单击夯击能量较大时不 大于100mm。
A. The average tamping settlement of two hammers is not more than 50 mm, and it is not more than 100 mm when the tamping energy is large.
B. 夯坑周围地面不应发生过大的隆起。
B. The ground around the tamping pit shall not have excessive uplift.
C. 不因夯坑过深而发生起锤困难。
C. It is not difficult to lift the hammer due to too deep tamping pit.
4、 夯击遍数应根据地基土的性质确定,一般情况下,可采用2~3遍,再以低能量夯击一遍。对于渗透性弱的细粒土,必要时夯击遍数可适当增加。
4. The number of tamping times should be determined according to the nature of foundation soil. Generally, it can be 2-3 times, and finally it can be tamped once with low energy. For the fine-grained soil with weak permeability, the number of compaction times can be appropriately increased if necessary.
5、 两遍夯击之间应有一定的时间间隔。间隔时间取决于土中超静孔隙水压力的消散时间。当缺少实测资料时,可根据地基土的渗透性确定,对于渗透性较差的黏性土地基的间隔时间,应不少于3~4周;对于渗透性好的地基土可连续夯击。
5. There should be a certain time interval between two times of tamping. The interval time depends on the dissipation time of excess pore water pressure. In case of lack of measured data, it can be determined according to the permeability of foundation soil. For cohesive soil with poor permeability, the interval time should not be less than 3-4 weeks; for foundation soil with good permeability, it can be continuously rammed.
6、 夯击点位置可根据建筑结构类型,采用等边三角形、等腰三角形或正方形布置。遍夯击点间距可取5~9m,以后各遍夯击点间距可与遍相同,也可适当减小。对于处理深度较大或单击夯击能较大的工程,遍夯击点间距宜适当增大。
6. According to the type of building structure, the location of tamping points can be arranged as equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle or square. The interval of each point can be reduced to 5-9 m after the first tamping. For the projects with larger treatment depth or greater energy of single tamping, the distance between the first tamping points should be increased appropriately.
7、 强夯处理范围应大于建筑物基础范围。每边超出基础外缘的宽度宜为设计处理深度的1/22/3。并不宜小于3m。
7. The scope of dynamic compaction should be larger than that of building foundation. The width of each side beyond the outer edge of the foundation should be 1 / 2 to 2 / 3 of the design treatment depth. It should not be less than 3m.
8、 根据初步确定的强夯参数,提出强夯试验方案,进行现场试夯。应根据不同土质条件待试夯结束一置数周后,对试夯场地进行测试,并与夯前测试数据进行对比,检验强夯效果,确定工程采用的各项强夯参数。
8. According to the preliminary determined dynamic compaction parameters, the dynamic compaction test scheme is put forward and field trial compaction is carried out. According to different soil conditions, the test site shall be tested several weeks after the completion of the trial compaction, and the test data shall be compared with the test data before compaction, so as to check the dynamic compaction effect and determine the dynamic compaction parameters used in the project.
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