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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2020-08-28 关注次数:0
The working efficiency of dynamic compaction foundation construction units are more concerned, because it directly determines the later time. Generally, there are actual working time regulations for the construction period. If the work can not be completed within the construction period, it will cause many problems. Therefore, there is a time limit for each work. Today, we will explain to you how to improve the working efficiency of dynamic compaction foundation in our work, you can take it as a reference. Dynamic compaction machine rental
How to improve the working efficiency of dynamic compaction Foundation

1. Personnel arrangement; our staff are usually some old employees, and their cooperation with each other is very tacit, and they are very quick to deal with problems. This kind of work efficiency will certainly be improved. If there are new employees, we generally have a proportion. Generally, a group of people will not be more than two new employees. If they are more than two, the work efficiency will be affected. Our staff are generally very stable, will not change at will.
2. Pay attention to the change of weather; the change of weather has a great impact on the construction, so we pay close attention to the change of weather and formulate some measures in time. For example, sort out the weather conditions of the past 15 days and arrange the time reasonably so that you will not be caught by surprise. In fact, what really affects work efficiency is the influence of weather factors, which is a big item. The weather is changing so that adaptation can't be changed, but we can make reasonable arrangements.
3. Cooperate with the cooperation unit; when we need to cooperate with the cooperation unit, we always have an appointment two days in advance, so that the other party will have psychological preparation
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