

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2020-08-13 关注次数:0
In the construction process of various construction projects, there are often some safety problems. Especially in the construction site of large machinery, there are many aspects that should be paid special attention to. In the construction industry, there is a very common foundation treatment method is dynamic compaction foundation treatment. This method has been widely used in compaction foundation, but there are many safety aspects need to pay more attention to when using this method, so as to ensure the safety of work.
Steel wire rope is a very important part of dynamic compaction machinery, its use can not be ignored, and it needs to be taken as a key inspection in daily inspection. Dynamic compaction foundation treatment needs to put safety in the first place, quality as the focus. In the construction of dynamic compaction foundation, the use of steel wire rope should pay attention to the following aspects:
强夯机械钢丝绳使用注意事项 强夯机出租
Notes on using steel wire rope of dynamic compaction machine

1. Check every day, pay attention to check whether there is excessive wear and fracture. Even if one of the small roots is broken, it needs to be reported for maintenance in time. The steel wire rope will wear for a long time. This kind of wear has a safe range. If it is higher than the safety range, it needs to be replaced in time.
2. The use of lubricating oil; the role of lubricating oil is not only to ensure the friction between the wire rope and the guide wheel, but also to protect the wire rope. After the lubricating oil is used for a long time, there will be too much dust and less lubricating oil. Therefore, we need to pay more attention to the daily inspection, which is the key to the use of wire rope.
3. Interface inspection: the interface of steel wire rope is handled by professional personnel, which is a complex process and needs to be checked every day.
4. Replace; if the steel wire rope is used for too long, do not force to replace it as early as possible.
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