

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2022-09-17 关注次数:0
During the construction of dynamic compaction foundation, A is afraid that everyone will be affected by surface water. The water level in some other aspects is relatively low, which may cause water outflow during the construction of foundation works. As a kind of culture and art, the company's construction line will have water itself, and drainage equipment must be provided within a short period of time. This has a certain impact on the dynamic compaction foundation. The lessor of the dynamic compaction machine below will give you an in-depth analysis of these two different forms of technical solutions.
1. There is ponding in the construction site
If the water is accumulated within a short period of time, it can be solved by everyone. Just drain the water and then air it slightly. For example, learning and training some scientific research, such similar problems will occur in some low-lying areas in rainy seasons;
If the ponding lasts for a very long time, the trainees should do a good job of drainage pipes in advance to minimize the impact of ponding on the dynamic compaction foundation. If the development trend of water supply and drainage system software is to remove sludge in the case of sludge, the social development must be solved in advance to provide such a good construction management method and natural environment for dynamic compaction foundation infrastructure.
2. Water outflow after dynamic compaction of foundation: This is also caused by the company in view of the low development trend of groundwater in China, which is very easy to occur in autumn and winter. One way to deal with this problem is that we can dig many drainage pipe wells nearby, so that a water accumulation problem can be drained into the drainage pipe wells along the ditches, and then drained out of the site design.
The construction of dynamic compaction foundation will be affected by many key factors. Such social factors will affect the actual effect of foundation dynamic compaction construction, and the project schedule management of construction. The above is the answer to the question. Do you have any questions to answer? You can come to our website anytime http://www.sddhfjx.cn Consult.
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