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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2022-05-30 关注次数:0
The foundation treatment and detection technology rented by the dynamic compaction machine plays a very important role in the dynamic compaction work, ensuring the quality of the dynamic compaction work and improving the power level of the project construction.
1. after the dynamic compaction is completed, the test technology selected by the technician is load test. The main purpose of the test is to determine the bearing capacity and deformation elastic modulus of the dynamic compaction foundation.
2. within the scope of the specification, at the beginning of the test, the sample penetration test is composed of sand, silt, clay and other dynamic compaction foundation factors. The standard brick set test technology is used to determine the fixity, density and deformation parameters of silty sand in this foundation. Of course, their concrete test technology and load test technology are distinguished, and these two technologies are used to identify the bearing capacity and reinforcement depth of the foundation, and to evaluate the demolition results of the liquefied foundation.
3. the static touch test is similar to the example penetration test. The static test is applicable to a small amount of sandy clay layers such as clay, sandy soil and silt. When using this test technique to measure the foundation of Guizhou dynamic compaction machine, the main indexes are the penetration of the foundation structure, cone tip resistance and pore water pressure.
4. for the Guizhou dynamic compaction machine foundation based on strongly weathered hard rock, soft rock, sandy soil, gravel soil and other soil structures, a better energy contact test can be selected to identify the porosity, density, strength or deformation parameters of the foundation soil through the foundation test. When the energy contact test technology is selected to determine the quality of the dynamic compaction foundation, the balance of the position can be evaluated, and the reinforcement effect of the foundation can be obtained.
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