

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2022-02-09 关注次数:0
The treatment of dynamic compaction construction is different from other construction projects. The reinforcement effect of most foundation treatment methods can not be brought into full play after the completion of construction, but also can be gradually reflected after a period of time after the completion of construction. The foundation treatment of each section has its particularity, and the foundation treatment effect is mostly concealed works, so it is difficult to directly test its treatment effect, Therefore, the above precautions are very important. What should be paid attention to during dynamic compaction construction:
(1) In the dynamic compaction construction treatment, in addition to knowing how to construct, it is also necessary to understand the principle, technical standards and quality requirements of the treatment method.
(2) Inspect the construction quality and treatment effect to ensure the project quality.
(3) Fully monitor the corresponding dynamic compaction construction to ensure the normal progress of construction, and collect data through observation to provide a reliable basis for the next stage of work.
(4) Feasible detection methods should be used to test the treatment effect.
(5) Through analysis, we can obtain necessary reference values, verify the design, modify the design if necessary, and obtain corresponding valuable experience through analysis.
The replacement pier depth of dynamic compaction construction is determined by the soil quality, and the general depth is no more than 7m. For cohesive soft soil layers such as silt and peat, the replacement pier shall penetrate the soft soil layer and land on the better soil layer to avoid more subsidence. For deep saturated silt and silt, the pier body can not penetrate this layer. Because the density of the soil under the pier increases during construction and the strength is guaranteed, it can not penetrate this layer. The single tamping energy of dynamic compaction replacement method shall be determined according to the field test.
The pier body material can be hard coarse-grained materials such as well graded block stone, gravel, slag and construction waste. The content of particles with particle size greater than 300mm should not exceed 30% of the total weight. Because the poor grading of pier body material or too much block stone are easy to leave large holes in the pier, the soil between piers will be squeezed into the gap and the settlement will increase in the process of subsequent pier construction or building use.
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