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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2022-01-17 关注次数:0
Methods to deal with key problems encountered in dynamic compaction machine construction
During the construction of dynamic compaction machine, operators may encounter some difficult problems, and the emergence of these problems often plays a key role in the quality of the whole construction. Therefore, the treatment of such key problems must not be careless, The following small series mainly introduces the key problems and treatment methods encountered in the construction of dynamic compactor:
First, the treatment scheme for local sludge bags. In the process of site backfilling, due to the effect of filling load, the sludge may flow, and the elevation of sludge surface will change, resulting in local siltation of the site and the formation of sludge bag. In this case, if it occurs in the shallow layer, the gravel foundation should be treated first, and then dynamic compaction should be carried out; If it is in a deep place, the energy level of dynamic compaction should be improved.
Second, the treatment scheme of dynamic compaction construction of tamping pit. During dynamic compaction, construction shall not be carried out when there is water or sludge at the bottom of the tamping pit. If there is water or sludge in the tamping pit, the soil water content shall be reduced first, and then the dynamic compaction construction treatment shall be carried out.
Third, the treatment scheme of ground uplift. During dynamic compaction, if the ground heave affects the construction, the heave shall be excavated in time. If the uplifted earth is silt, it shall be properly excavated to a certain depth, then backfilled with gravelly soil to the tamping surface elevation, and the dynamic compaction construction shall be continued to ensure the normal operation of the dynamic compaction construction equipment.
This article is provided by dynamic compaction machine rental. Our website is: http://www.sddhfjx.cn We will serve you with wholehearted enthusiasm. Welcome to visit!
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