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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2022-01-10 关注次数:0
Definition and difference of full compaction and point compaction in dynamic compaction construction
Dynamic compaction foundation treatment is distinguished by construction technology and can be divided into three categories: full compaction, main compaction and re compaction. The distinction between main ramming and re ramming is generally defined according to the power level of rammer.
Dynamic compaction construction
The main rammer is also generally referred to as point rammer. The ramming force of its heavy hammer belongs to the high force level, and other key points are applied to the treatment of deep places; The power level of re tamping is half of that of main tamping, and the energy level can also be confirmed according to the depth of tamping pit. Generally, the re tamping shall have corresponding conditions: after the point tamping is completed and the tamping pit is very deep, the re tamping can be selected.
Full compaction is to tamp the whole site, and then increase the compactness of the soil, so as to improve the foundation bearing capacity of the site. The working methods of full compaction and point compaction are different, but they all belong to the method of dynamic compaction.
Dynamic compaction construction
The difference between full compaction and point compaction is as follows:
The point ramming is within 3M, and the reinforcement depth of the foundation is shallow. And it is an independent foundation, so just adopt a little tamping. The full compaction is more than 3m, and the foundation reinforcement is deep. And it is the basis of continuous compaction. In this situation, the point compaction method shall be selected first, and then the full compaction construction shall be carried out after completion. Select the rammer component and ramming force according to the reinforcement depth.
The area of full compaction treatment is generally for the whole construction site. Compared with point compaction, it is only for dynamic compaction at the specific location. Gravel is placed at the compaction point, and the soil is kneaded to form gravel pile. Improve the bearing scale of the construction foundation. In addition, the negative friction between the soil layer between the tamping points and the soil layer under the tamping points should be considered in the process of accounting.
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