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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-09-23 关注次数:0
During the dynamic compaction construction, the goal is to play a good role in improving the foundation. During the dynamic compaction, it is necessary to have sufficient improvement methods for different soil and different improvement objectives. During the dynamic compaction, it is also to destroy the original grade of loess to better show the compactness, Only when dynamic compaction is carried out can better dynamic compaction consequences be obtained. The important consequence of dynamic compaction is to move in the vertical situation to form the goal of dynamic compaction.
What causes will affect the process of dynamic compaction construction? It is very simple. The drop hammer may affect the depth of dynamic compaction. During the drop hammer, the parameters of dynamic compaction, the structure of soil layer and soil properties are greatly related. The change of these factors will have a useful impact on the depth, which still has a great impact on the foundation in dynamic compaction construction.
Secondly, in the process of dynamic compaction construction, it will also be affected by the meteorological environment. If it rains and snows, it will be affected. If it rains during dynamic compaction, it is necessary to timely drain the foundation, so as to ensure abnormal construction. In snowy weather, the foundation will form frozen body on the surface, In such a situation, you really need to pay attention.
As mentioned above, there are many influencing factors in the process of dynamic compaction construction. It is particularly important in the reasonable time of dynamic compaction and the treatment arrangement of foundation. Only fair control can ensure that there are enough consequences of improving foundation in the process of dynamic compaction, which may have certain consequences for subsequent construction or the needs of other industries.
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