

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-08-31 关注次数:0
强夯租赁施工队相较于其它的施工要求会更为严格,因为在强夯租赁作业的场地施工前必 须平整,所以说其具体的作业区域还必 须设有警戒标志或围栏,并严禁非作业人员进入。
Compared with other construction requirements, the dynamic compaction rental construction team will be more strict, because the site of dynamic compaction rental operation must be leveled before construction, so its specific operation area must also be equipped with warning signs or fences, and non operators are strictly prohibited to enter.
Although many construction sites will carry out the above work before construction, many factories set up warning signs or fences after dynamic compaction, which is dangerous for the whole project. On the other hand, dynamic compaction and densification are used by experts. In the process of dynamic compaction of gravel, through the continuous penetration of gravel downward, the soil layer under the gravel pile will be affected by impact energy, so as to obtain densification. In addition, the gravel pile has a lateral extrusion around, which also strengthens the soil layer on the side of the pile;
On the other hand, the gravel pile also plays the role of a large-diameter drainage well. When the dynamic compaction method is used to strengthen the fine-grained soil, the foundation soil is compressed and cracks are generated through the action of impact energy, the drainage channel is increased, the pore water escapes smoothly, and the soil strength is improved with the dissipation of pore water pressure.
The dynamic compaction rental price replacement method is applicable to high saturation silt and cohesive soil. In addition to forming piers in the soil, Guiyang dynamic compaction equipment tells you that when the reinforced soil layer is deep saturated silt and silt, it also compacts the soil between the piers and the soil below the bottom of the pier.
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