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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-05-14 关注次数:0
After the construction of the dynamic compaction machine, the bearing capacity and quantity of the foundation structure are tested. The load test means that the technicians select the dynamic compaction foundation as the load test, which is the standard test of the bearing capacity and deformation modulus of the dynamic compaction foundation.
For some intermediate controlled depressions, most of them are related to their own geological conditions, such as some hilly areas, for which the soil layer is relatively loose and cut. After a long period of rain washing, although there is no change in the surface, there will still be some empty parts in the stratum. After blind dynamic compaction, the soil will collapse. The treatment method of this kind of depression is also very simple. It is measured in the early stage and backfilled after construction.
Dynamic compaction construction personnel should accurately calculate the ground settlement value after compaction in advance, and confirm the elevation of the ground, because the dynamic compaction machine needs to test and loft according to the dynamic compaction design plan. The gravity of dynamic compaction machine will crush the foundation, so gravel paving is needed. The purpose of doing so is not only to greatly improve the bearing capacity of foundation soil, but also to prevent the surface soil from loosening and losing hydrostatic pressure.
The dynamic compaction foundation is composed of sand, silt and cohesive soil. The foundation is selected to standardize the stability and density of the test, as well as the deformation parameters of sand and silt, and can also assist the bearing capacity and reinforcement of the foundation after the load test.
The above is about the use of dynamic compaction machine construction operation of some of the details, more relevant news will be published on the website, thank you for watching.
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