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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-02-27 关注次数:0
Dynamic compaction and dynamic compaction replacement are two common foundation treatment methods in construction engineering, but there are some differences between them. There are many kinds of dynamic compaction methods, dynamic compaction and dynamic compaction replacement are two completely different concepts. In the process of dynamic compaction construction, the dynamic compaction method means to drop the heavy hammer at a certain height and produce the purpose of compaction, so as to achieve the effect of improving the bearing capacity of the ground.
The method of dynamic compaction replacement is to take part in certain filling materials on the ground. In this way, the foundation soil can be replaced bit by bit. In this way, the improvement of soil quality can be achieved. The general dynamic compaction method can not achieve the intention and effect of such replacement.
In dynamic compaction replacement, it can be obviously improved to improve the bearing capacity of fragile foundation. The hammer body is used to tamp at a certain height, so that the soil layer can be quickly reinforced. During the construction, dynamic compaction replacement is mainly a method to reinforce and improve the soil, while the time division of dynamic compaction replacement is different from that of dynamic compaction method, and the high impact caused by the drop of hammer body will also be forced to knead the gravel and soil.
In this way, a replacement method is formed in the foundation treatment, which can improve the bearing capacity of the foundation and reduce the arching caused by the foundation. The application of dynamic compaction replacement has the requirements of soil quality, which is commonly used in high saturated and cohesive soil. The whole function still depends on the role of compaction and the application of dynamic compaction method, so as to determine the direction of application In the process of foundation improvement and replacement, we can also reach the intention of foundation compaction. There are certain advantages and advantages in construction and application.
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