

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-01-15 关注次数:0
All actions of dynamic compaction machine are realized by hydraulic system. The relationship between hydraulic system and hydraulic oil is just like the relationship between human body and blood. The viscosity of hydraulic oil is directly related to temperature, and the viscosity will increase with the decrease of temperature.
The normal working temperature of the hydraulic oil is between 20 ℃ and 80 ℃. The lower the oil temperature is, the greater the viscosity of the hydraulic oil will be, resulting in poor liquidity, high resistance and low work efficiency. If the oil temperature is lower than 20 ℃, rapid operation will even directly damage the pump, motor, valve and other hydraulic components. Therefore, it is very necessary to make the hydraulic oil reach the normal working temperature before normal construction.
Warm up instructions for dynamic compaction machine in winter:
1、 Requirements:
The dynamic compaction machine must be preheated step by step before winter construction. The normal construction can only be started when the hydraulic oil temperature reaches above 20 ℃ and the engine water temperature reaches above 60 ℃. The preheating time is about 20 minutes (the specific time shall be subject to the above operation standard according to the actual operation steps).
2、 Preheating operation steps:
① The main engine ignites, does not do any action, let the engine idle speed (about 800 RPM) no-load operation about 5 minutes;
② Step on the accelerator to make the engine run at medium speed (about 1400 RPM) without load for about 5 minutes;
③ Turn on the pilot switch, keep the engine in medium speed (about 1400 RPM) no-load state, slowly move the main coil and luffing (push or pull the handle to half position) for 5 cycles, so that the hydraulic oil can be fully circulated in the system;
④ Step on the accelerator to make the engine run at full speed without load for 5 minutes;
⑤ Repeat step 3. After one repetition, the main coil can be raised at full speed to see if the action is slow. If it is slow, continue to repeat step 3, but pay attention to the operation, and slowly pull the handle to the large position, because the performance of the equipment is not stable at this time;
⑥ When the engine is idling and no-load, rotate clockwise and counterclockwise for 3 turns;
⑦ In the medium speed (about 1400 RPM) no-load state of the engine, operate the walking, first forward for 10s, then backward for 10s, so as to cycle for about 2 minutes;
⑧ Observe the display screen, and the oil temperature reaches 20 ℃ before normal construction (if the temperature is still below 20 ℃, continue to repeat step ③ until the temperature reaches 20 ℃).
During the preheating process, if the engine water temperature rises slowly, you can use cardboard and other hard flat materials to block the air inlet surface of the radiator (generally in front of the engine radiator), so that the engine water temperature can rise rapidly, and remove the baffle when it reaches 60 ℃.
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