

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2020-12-18 关注次数:0
Dynamic compaction equipment belongs to super large machinery. Compared with other foundation treatment equipment, there are many problems to pay attention to. Next, bumblebee project will introduce in detail:
1. 需要用多久要几台。大工程在工期紧凑的情况下,就需要提前做一个测量计算和预算,在自有强夯设备全部上场之后还需要几台就租几台,但是也要精确预算,保证自己不亏本。
1. How long does it take? How many. In the case of tight construction period of large-scale projects, it is necessary to make a measurement calculation and budget in advance. After all the self-owned dynamic compaction equipment is put into operation, we need to rent several sets, but we should also accurately budget to ensure that we do not lose money.

2. 。一般来说,设备租赁的都比较透明,每个行业有每个行业的行情,都是互通的,只是如果施工场地比较远的话,额外增加的费用就会多出一点。
2. Price. Generally speaking, the price of equipment leasing is relatively transparent. Each industry has its own market price, and the prices are interconnected. However, if the construction site is far away, the additional cost will be a little more.
3. 地基土质。地处理的种类非常的多,每个地区的地形地质都不一样,需求自然也就不一样,所以要确定夯击能并确认可使用的强夯设备。
3. Foundation soil. There are many kinds of ground treatment, and the topography and geology of each area are different. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the tamping energy and confirm the available dynamic compaction equipment.
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