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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2020-12-14 关注次数:0
After the completion and acceptance of bearing capacity dynamic compaction test, the foundation should be constructed after a specific time interval. For gravel soil and sand, the interval can be 7 ~ 14 days; for silt and clay, it can be 14 ~ 28 days. The replacement interval of dynamic compaction is 28 days. Now, the use of dynamic compaction machine will become the top priority in the construction industry.
While science and technology brings convenience to us, it will also bring corresponding problems, and then there will be more sophisticated technology to solve these puzzles. This is the strange circle of social development, dynamic compaction machine rental more than a month to quote, but also a continuous cycle. Just like the application of dynamic compaction machine, it helps people to realize the stability of foundation better and faster.

But there are also some efficiency and safety problems, the next is the birth of hydraulic dynamic compaction machine equipment, to solve some problems. However, it is undeniable that it also has some performance deficiencies, dynamic compaction machine rental more than a month company, but I believe that before long, researchers will make better improvements and attempts. There will never be fewer problems, but there will always be more solutions than problems.
The platform of thousand layers starts from the base soil. Whether the foundation of a building or a house is stable or not plays an important role in the whole house. The role of dynamic compaction construction is to tamp the foundation. In fact, with the acceleration of social development, as well as the improvement and innovation of dynamic compaction technology, so far, the application scope of dynamic compaction construction is not only the construction of houses, but also widely used in other industries.
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