

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2020-11-24 关注次数:0
In the construction project, due to the need to compact the loose soil, dynamic rammer is often used. There are many types of dynamic compaction machines, such as frog type, vibration type, jump type, ramming type and lifting hammer type. According to the needs of the project, different types of dynamic compaction machines are used.
强夯锤质量可取 10~40t,其底面形式宜采用圆形或多边形,锤底面积宜按土 的性质确定,锤底静接地压力值可取25~40kPa,对于细颗粒土锤底静接地压力宜取较小值。锤的底面宜对称设置若干个与其顶面贯通的排气孔,孔径可取250~ 300mm。强夯置换锤底静接地压力值可取100~200kPa。
The weight of dynamic rammer is 10-40t, and its bottom form should be round or polygonal. The area of hammer bottom should be determined according to the properties of soil. The static grounding pressure of hammer bottom can be 25-40kpa. For fine-grained soil, the static grounding pressure should be smaller. The bottom surface of the hammer should be symmetrically arranged with a number of vent holes through its top surface, and the hole diameter can be 250-300 mm. The static grounding pressure at the bottom of dynamic compaction replacement hammer can be 100 ~ 200KPa.

Crawler crane with automatic decoupling device or other special equipment should be used for construction machinery. When crawler crane is used, auxiliary gantry can be set at the end of boom, or other safety measures can be taken to prevent the frame from overturning when falling hammer.
When the surface soil is weak or the underground water level is high, and the ponding at the bottom of the ramming pit affects the construction, it is advisable to manually lower the groundwater level or pave with a certain thickness of loose materials to make the groundwater level lower than 2m below the pit bottom surface. The ponding in the pit or site should be removed in time.
Before construction, it is necessary to find out the location and elevation of underground structures and various underground pipelines within the site, and take necessary measures to avoid damage caused by construction.
When the vibration produced by dynamic compaction will have harmful effects on adjacent buildings or equipment, monitoring points should be set up and vibration isolation or anti vibration measures should be taken to eliminate the harmful impact of dynamic compaction on adjacent buildings.
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