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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2020-11-11 关注次数:0
The dynamic characteristics of dynamic compaction foundation soil show that saturated loose silty fine sand will liquefy, and the adjacent foundation will vibrate and sink due to traffic load or pile driving. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to prevent ground liquefaction and improve its vibration characteristics to improve the seismic performance of the foundation. Through the above methods, we have done further reinforcement for the foundation, and the dynamic compaction construction will become more stable, which has a very good effect on the whole construction.
The dynamic compaction method is based on the dynamic compaction mechanism of porous, coarse-grained and unsaturated soil, i.e. impact dynamic load, which makes the pores in the soil decrease and the soil becomes dense, so as to improve the strength of foundation soil. The compaction process of unsaturated soil is the process in which the gas phase (air) in the soil is squeezed out. The compaction deformation is mainly caused by the relative displacement of soil particles. The following editor will talk about two different ways of dynamic compaction machine work

Replacement fill layer method: the replacement fill layer method is to excavate the wet and soft soil layer under the base at a certain depth, and replace it with gravel, gravel and other soil with stable performance and no erosion, and compact it. Replacement method is a common method of subgrade reinforcement in North China, which is widely used in highway construction at all levels. Although the stress distribution of different replacement materials is different, the ultimate bearing capacity is close to each other, and the settlement characteristics are also very similar.
Compaction method: the compaction method is to drill holes in the dynamic compaction foundation subgrade, fill the holes with sand, stone soil, lime soil or lime and other materials to form a pile with larger diameter, which is conducive to the lateral extrusion effect, so that the soil particles of the foundation are close to each other, and the gap is reduced. The pile body is formed after the hole is filled and squeezed. The pile body has a high bearing capacity, so that the pile and the original soil form a composite foundation to achieve the goal of reinforcement Yes. The above is about the dynamic compaction foundation related content
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