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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2020-09-15 关注次数:0
The influence factors of foundation reinforcement effect in dynamic compaction construction technology has been widely used in engineering fields all over the world, and has been popularized and promoted at a very fast speed. In many foundation treatment methods, dynamic compaction foundation is economical and economical, and the construction quality is also very good. In order to make the dynamic compaction project successful, we should not only choose the correct construction method, but also find a professional dynamic compaction construction team with strong technical support to control the construction process and achieve faster construction effect.
For the team of dynamic compaction foundation, the early construction scheme of the project will be well completed, and all aspects of dynamic compaction construction will be standardized. First of all, it is necessary to investigate the foundation on site and record every step of the measurement to improve the effect of foundation reinforcement. Dynamic compaction construction tools are necessary. The equipment is simple and easy to operate. The weight of rammer for dynamic compaction

construction can reach 10-40 tons. The hammer head shall be made of cast steel, and the bottom area and exhaust hole of hammer head shall be determined according to soil properties and parameters. Crawler cranes or other special lifting equipment are also required. If the crane is a crawler crane, usually in order to avoid the collapse of the hammer, the top of the auxiliary gantry is the crane arm. There should be enough strength and decoupling device without sliding hook to facilitate drop hammer, flat pit and compaction pit. Cone sounding equipment and test instrument can be used in the test.
In the construction of dynamic compaction foundation, when the compaction effect of vibration has an impact on the surrounding buildings, it is necessary to dig damping ditch or take other anti vibration measures, and set up observation points. The side line and control axis of the dynamic compaction site shall be determined during surveying and setting out, and the position of compaction point shall be marked with nail pile or lime spot. The horizontal base point is set in the area not affected by dynamic compaction.
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