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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2020-09-01 关注次数:0
Dynamic compaction construction is a work that pays attention to details. A little detail problems in the construction may affect the quality of the whole project. Today's dynamic compaction machine construction editor sums up some misunderstandings in dynamic compaction construction.
1. For dynamic compaction construction, the necessary dynamic compaction machinery includes cranes, rammers, cranes, excavators, etc. some construction enterprises do not calculate the number of regular equipment according to the construction capacity of equipment in terms of machinery arrangement, which leads to construction management confusion, some machines bear high workload, and some construction equipment stagnates.
The dynamic compaction construction team should comprehensively consider and reasonably arrange the machinery mobilization, and first consider the construction workload, reasonable construction period, tamping times and tamping energy, so as to ensure the maximum utilization rate of equipment, facilitate the construction management, reduce the auxiliary workload, and ensure that each construction machinery is in reasonable operation as much as possible, without affecting the construction efficiency.

Dynamic compaction machine rental
2. There are many advantages in dynamic compaction construction, which is also the reason why many construction companies are willing to adopt dynamic compaction method. However, in actual work, dynamic compaction treatment effect is not obvious, which will bring unnecessary economic losses to the construction unit and construction unit. Dynamic compaction is a technical method, which needs to design good parameters.
The reasons why the dynamic compaction effect is not obvious may be caused by various aspects, such as different foundation forms, poor treatment, uneven slope stability; or physical weathering and climate, weathering makes the soil strength of the project area weaken, cracks increase, affecting the shape and slope of the slope; or artificial surcharge, earthquake and other causes soil instability, which is generally rare.
3. Dewatering in dynamic compaction construction is an important work. However, whether the foundation needs dewatering depends on the performance of the foundation, the depth of groundwater level, the geological conditions of the dynamic compaction site, and the site that needs dewatering. The reinforcement commission must be dewatered, and the dynamic compaction can be carried out at the same time.
The dynamic compaction dewatering should also follow the construction principle, pay attention to the dynamic compaction construction layout and construction sequence, to prevent the groundwater from coming out of the ramming pit, and affect the construction progress and quality of dynamic compaction.
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