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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2022-09-17 关注次数:0
In general, dynamic compaction and impact rolling are selected according to the actual environmental conditions. Some environments are better for dynamic compaction, while others are better for impact rolling. Next, lease personnel of dynamic compaction machine will explain the specific actual conditions.
1. Fill thickness. The popular dynamic compaction treatment depth in the market can reach 10m, while the impact compaction treatment depth is generally not more than 1.5m. In this way, if the backfill is treated, both processes can be used. However, if the original foundation is treated more than 2m, dynamic compaction has obvious advantages. At least, it does not need to excavate the original soil again. If the treatment depth is not reached with the impact compaction, it needs to excavate and then backfill and roll in layers.
2. Handling special terrain. It has its unique advantages to deal with karst cave, sinkhole, ground collapse and other dynamic compaction.
3. Corner area or small construction area. During the impact rolling construction, the impact roller needs to control the speed at 12-15km/h. If the place is small or narrow, and the turning radius is not enough, the compaction effect will be reduced in the places where the speed cannot be raised. In addition, the impact rolling at the corners will not be affected. Therefore, even if the construction process is impact rolling, the general site will also use dynamic compaction to seal the edges.

4. Collapsible loess. The impact energy of dynamic compaction is large, which can significantly change the soil structure. Reconsolidation of foundation soil can eliminate the collapsibility of loess to a certain extent. The impact energy of impact rolling is small, which is not easy to damage the soil structure.
5. Uneven settlement. Dynamic compaction is to arrange points at a certain distance to compact and compact the soil. Impact rolling is a continuous impact on the working face. Compared with impact rolling, it has a better effect on uneven settlement. If there is a slope, it is strongly recommended to use impact roller.
In addition, it also has a great impact on the surrounding environment. Everyone can understand that the impact energy of dynamic compaction is strong. If the surrounding buildings are dense, it is better to use the impact roller. More usage precautions come to our website http://www.sddhfjx.cn Ask and understand!

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