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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2022-08-08 关注次数:0
With the expansion of market demand and the improvement of customers' requirements for machinery, a number of equipment manufacturing enterprises began to seek transformation. Today, with the rapid development of hydraulic technology, the situation of manufacturing hydraulic dynamic compaction machinery has become inevitable. Let's talk about the market development and use of hydraulic dynamic compaction machine from the following dynamic compaction machine rental manufacturers.
Advantages: the hydraulic transmission system has incomparable high safety and operability. Its automatic speed change, variable speed, braking performance, flexible micro action performance, and optional arrangement and installation performance greatly promote the functional revolution of various machines.
The transmission system of the hydraulic dynamic compaction machine is retro transformed to restore the previous mechanical transmission system, which in fact reflects a helpless situation. The so-called mechanical hydraulic integrated machine completed through the transformation can only be regarded as a semi mechanical and semi hydraulic dynamic compaction machine at best.
When the foundation is tamped, under the influence of huge instantaneous impact force, the rammer can flush the upper soil mass and then damage the soil structure. Due to the short time of the tamping action, the tamping action is often completed before the pressed material has time to "flow", so the instability caused by the "flow" of the foundation can be reduced.
The common characteristic of impact roller and compactor is that the construction energy of impact compaction is large. All of them use huge impact force to tamp the foundation. The huge kinetic energy is converted into impulse in a very short time, thus forming a huge impact force acting instantaneously,
It can produce great shear stress and normal stress in the soil, so as to effectively overcome the cohesive force of cohesive soil, compress the soil and remove the air and water in the soil, and achieve good compaction effect.
Hydraulic tamping machine and dynamic tamping machine are two different devices. Their working principle is to use kinetic energy to transform into impact energy to tamp the soil, but the stroke and frequency are different. The tamping stroke of the hydraulic tamping machine is about 200 ~ 1600mm, and the frequency is fast, up to about 30 times / minute. The stroke of the dynamic tamping machine can be as high as tens of meters, and the frequency is very low, which can be regarded as a single pulse.
Impact compaction and dynamic compaction are widely used in deep foundation reinforcement and compaction construction of high fill subgrade. Through the comparison of impact rolling and dynamic compaction, the skills and application conditions of impact rolling and dynamic compaction are distinguished and analyzed and compared, which can help the construction party to make reasonable design and planning for the site construction.
More and more engineering construction begin to use the impact rolling construction technology, which makes the impact roller and hydraulic compactor become the equipment for engineering construction. Therefore, if you have purchasing needs, you can follow us and come to consult us at any time http://www.sddhfjx.cn I understand.
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