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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2022-02-11 关注次数:0
Dynamic compaction hammer is an important part of dynamic compaction construction. According to different dynamic compaction construction requirements, we will choose the appropriate dynamic compaction hammer for construction. What about the influence of the shape of the dynamic compaction hammer on the reinforcement effect? Please listen to me carefully:
1、国内夯锤几乎都是圆柱形,偶尔也见圆台形,上大、下小,上大、下小圆台形在 成坑过程中对坑臂可能有侧向挤实作用,但也正由于存在侧向挤实,对坑底的作用可能有较大损失。国外强夯锤的锤身多成多边形,从四边、五边、六边到N边不等,少见 圆柱形,国内对锤身形状的理论研究较少;
1. Almost all rammers in China are cylindrical, and occasionally circular platform shapes are seen, which are large at the top and small at the bottom. The circular platform shapes of large at the top and small at the bottom may have a lateral compaction effect on the pit arm in the process of pit formation, but due to the existence of lateral compaction, it may have a great loss on the pit bottom. There are few studies on the theory of five body and four side rammer in China, and the shape of five body and multi side rammer is different from that of five body and four side rammer in foreign countries;
2. At present, flat bottom hammers are mostly used. With the increase of service time, the wear of hammer edge becomes more and more serious;
3、夯锤通气孔的形状和气垫效应问题,只要通气孔的总面积与锤底面积达到一定比 值(0.09?0.12),在强夯过程中不会产生气垫效应,也不会出现二次喷土现象。
3. As long as the total area of the vent hole and the hammer bottom area reach a certain ratio (0.09? 0.12), there will be no air cushion effect and secondary soil spraying in the process of dynamic compaction.
The above is the influence of the shape of dynamic compaction hammer body on the reinforcement effect.
This article is provided by dynamic compaction machine rental. Our website is: http://www.sddhfjx.cn We will provide you with services with wholehearted enthusiasm. Welcome to visit
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