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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2022-01-24 关注次数:0
During the construction of dynamic compaction project, everyone's awareness is relatively strong in normal weather, and protection measures should be strengthened in haze weather. If the impact of haze is relatively large, the operation can be stopped.
Precautions for dynamic compaction construction in haze weather:
1. The operation needs to be stopped when the visibility is less than 10m; Many people think it is impossible that the visibility is less than 10 meters, but there are more smog weather in recent years, especially in some wild areas far away from the city. Operating in this environment, you can't see the people and vehicles around you, which is a great hidden danger.
2. Arrange personnel around; In case of heavy haze and reduced visibility, personnel shall be arranged around to command some staff and working vehicles, and hidden dangers shall be found and handled in time.
3. Turn on the light of dynamic compaction machinery; The fog lamp must be turned on for the vehicle operating. If it is not available, it needs to be installed in time. If conditions permit, warning lights can be installed so that the surrounding staff and working vehicles can find it in time.
4. On site command is in place; On site command is particularly important at this time. The visibility of operators is affected in the haze environment. At this time, on-site command and operators need to cooperate with each other.
5. If the staff need to approach the dynamic compaction machinery, they need to inform the staff in advance. No one is allowed to approach without instructions.
This article is provided by dynamic compaction machine rental. Our website is: http://www.sddhfjx.cn We will serve you with wholehearted enthusiasm. Welcome to visit
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