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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-08-10 关注次数:0
When dynamic compaction is used for dynamic compaction replacement, the pier distance shall be selected according to the load and the bearing capacity of the original soil. When the whole seat is settled, 2 ~ 3 times of the hammer diameter can be taken, 1.5 ~ 2.0 times of the hammer diameter can be taken for independent foundation or strip foundation, and 1.1 ~ 1.2 times of the hammer diameter can be taken for the calculated diameter of the pier.
The distance between tamping points can be 2.5 ~ 3.5 times of the diameter of the tamping hammer. The next tamping point is located between the tamping points. The distance between each subsequent tamping point can be appropriately reduced. Of course, it also needs to be treated according to the actual situation. For projects with deep treatment depth or large tamping energy, the distance between each tamping point should be appropriately increased, The following editor will introduce you to the different placement methods of construction tamping points:
First, equilateral triangle: the method of setting tamping points like equilateral triangle is still very common in the construction of dynamic compaction construction team, because this method can well tamp the foundation, and the tamping effect is also very good.
However, the use of this tamping point has certain requirements for the foundation itself. It is not very suitable for the irregular construction foundation with large construction area. If this method has to be used, the foundation needs to be separated into several small areas in advance, and then tamped separately.
Second, square organization, like this dynamic compaction construction form, is very important for the method of selecting compaction points in dynamic compaction construction. Different from the form of equilateral triangle, square organization can be used in some relatively large construction foundations. This method can well establish compaction points, and crane operation is relatively convenient in construction, but, On the contrary, the equilateral triangle avionics is not very suitable for some small-area foundations, so when selecting this method, it needs to be selected according to the details of the foundation.
The above is about the corresponding methods for different placement of tamping points in dynamic compaction construction. I hope the above contents will be of some help to you, and more relevant information will be sorted out and released one after another.
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