

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-07-29 关注次数:0
The quality control of foundation dynamic compaction project is determined by many aspects, including the standard management of relevant personnel in dynamic compaction construction, the maintenance of mechanical equipment, the standard process of construction operation and so on. Only by paying attention to and strengthening these contents and taking effective measures can we curb the situation disturbing the construction progress and quality. In order to make the construction orderly, the organization work in dynamic compaction foundation must be indispensable.
According to the construction schedule, whether the construction is carried out during the day or at night, or the construction is carried out day and night, the theme of firm non disturbing residents cannot be changed. The insurance training and learning of dynamic compaction construction personnel is an important topic. The goal is to improve the insurance awareness and insurance operation ability of personnel. Wearing a safety helmet during the operation process is an important means of self-maintenance. All effective measures should be taken to prevent the frame from overturning when the rammer falls. For special natural conditions, such as strong wind above level 6, rain, snow and freezing weather, or blurred vision and low air visibility, dynamic compaction construction is strictly prohibited.
Relevant personnel on the project site must arrive one by one, and the available construction machinery, such as dynamic compactor, crawler crane, bulldozer, etc., shall be arranged before dynamic compaction of the foundation. For the point tamping operation in the process of dynamic compaction construction, the settlement and the tamping quantity of dynamic compaction foundation shall be reasonably controlled. If the point tamping quantity does not meet the standard, the truck can be moved to operate the next tamping point; On the contrary, if the settlement cannot meet the requirements, it should be tamped continuously until the foundation settlement reaches the control range. For the full compaction operation in the foundation dynamic compaction project, the full compaction mark must be overlapped according to the dynamic compaction design requirements.
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