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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-04-29 关注次数:0
The dynamic compaction equipment, like us, needs more maintenance when it comes to a certain season. When the climate changes, the dynamic compaction equipment is also in the maintenance season of vehicles. Good maintenance of the equipment at this time can ensure the normal work of the dynamic compaction machine in the later period to a certain extent. The following is about the maintenance methods of the dynamic compaction equipment when it comes to the season change
Method 1. The equipment of dynamic compaction machine should be kept clean frequently. After each operation, the soil of each glass in the cab should be cleaned.
Method 2. The first oil change of the hoist reducer should be carried out 150 hours later, and then every 500 hours.
Method 3. The first oil change of the walking reducer was carried out after 150 hours, and then every 1500 hours.
Method 4. The reducer should be visually inspected every day, especially the sealing of the reducer. Regularly check the abnormal noise of the reducer, and regularly check the oil level of the reducer.
Method 5. The hydraulic oil is generally replaced after 12 months of use or 2000 hours of work. The oil tank and filter should be cleaned carefully when changing the oil every time, and the oil should be injected through the oil filling filter when refueling.
Method 6. In addition, the surface of the dynamic compaction machine should be coated with butter to prevent rust; Each lubrication point shall be filled with grease according to the lubrication table; And keep the wire rope lubricated and clean.
Method 7. When the ambient temperature of the dynamic compaction machine is low, the hydraulic oil with low viscosity should be used. When changing the oil, the oil tank and filter should be cleaned carefully, and the oil should be injected through the oil filling filter.
The above is about the corresponding maintenance work of dynamic compaction machine during season change. More relevant information will be published on the website one after another. Thank you for watching.
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