

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2021-04-13 关注次数:0
We have discussed the treatment methods of dynamic compaction construction in the original site foundation, high fill filling body and underground drainage system through the name of dynamic compaction foundation treatment. At the beginning, we analyzed the treatment of excavation and filling interface and construction overlapping surface.
1. Treatment of excavation and filling interface
The interface between the filling area and the excavation area is the weak link in the high filling area. In order to ensure the uniform transition between the filling area and the excavation area, the transition steps should be arranged at the interface of the filling and excavation area.
Under the bedrock surface at the junction of excavation and filling, according to the height of H = LM, the width l changes with the actual slope ratio, the steps are excavated along the nominal mountain. For the straight wall terrain, the height width ratio may be adjusted properly in the actual construction process, but the step width should not be less than LM, and the 2m thick sand gravel is backfilled to form the soil rock transition layer. At the same time, it is connected with the bottom drainage blind ditch to discharge the bedrock fissure water.
2. Overlapping construction between construction sections
In the west area, because of the large scope of filling area, many sections, the working face is scattered and concentrated, and the initial filling elevation of each working face is different, there is the problem of working face overlapping. If the overlap of working face is not handled properly, it will inevitably bring artificial weak face or weak face, which will bring adverse impact on the firmness of high fill. Therefore, it is required to pay attention to the harmony between the working faces, and the height difference between the two adjacent working faces should not exceed 4m, so as to avoid the appearance of wrong platform and scene.
There are overlapping surfaces between different sections. When filling between working faces, the working face filled first shall
1: 2. Slope construction. For the working face after filling, when filling the working face of this layer, the reserved slope excavation steps with height of 2M and width of 4m shall be completed in layers. Two rows of tamping points shall be added to the overlapping parts of the working face according to the same spacing for reinforcement.
3. Technical requirements for treatment of filling foundation behind high fill slope at gully mouth
According to the request of retaining wall design unit, the dynamic compaction boundary line is located 24m and 34m from the boundary line to the plant area.
The high fill slope behind the reinforced earth retaining wall at the gully mouth is within 30m of the dynamic compaction boundary line proposed by the design unit. Among them, the original 12000kn. M layered filling thickness is 12M, and in this area, the layered thickness is 3M. The backfilling construction is divided into four layers, and 2000kN. M is adopted. Local overfilling shall be carried out during earthwork backfilling. The boundary of earthwork backfilling boundary line is 34m away from the boundary of plant area,
1: 1. Slope to the surface of gravel infiltration ditch at the elevation of 895m. Dynamic compaction and retaining wall are overlapped alternately to ensure the stability of high slope and retaining wall.
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