

  1. 专注强夯机租赁,液压冲击夯租赁、强夯工程施工碎石桩等
  2. 地基软基处理于一体的高质量基础工程施工公司




网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2020-12-31 关注次数:0
According to the present situation of dynamic separation construction in China, in general, 1000-3000kn · M / m2 can be used for coarse-grained soil, 1500-4000knm / m2 for fine-grained soil, and it is more economical to use single click compaction energy less than 3000knm. Under the same single click energy (mechanical lifting energy), heavy hammer with low drop distance is better than light hammer with high drop distance.
In general, the distance between ramming points depends on the foundation layout, the thickness of reinforced soil layer and soil quality. For the cohesive soil with thick soil layer, poor soil quality, weak water permeability and high water content, the distance between tamping points should be large. If the tamping points are too dense, the reinforcement effect of adjacent tamping points will be superimposed in the shallow to form a hard shell layer, which affects the transfer of tamping energy to the deep. For the sandy soil with thin soil layer, strong water permeability and low water content, the distance should be smaller.
Generally, the distance between the ramming points is 3 times of the diameter of the rammer. Generally, the distance between the ramming points in one pass is 5-9m. The ramming points in each pass can be the same as that in the next pass, or can be reduced appropriately. For projects with deeper treatment depth or greater energy of single tamping, the spacing of tamping points should be increased appropriately.
For small and medium-sized projects, Jiangxi dynamic compaction construction team will check the quality of the project, especially the construction quality. This form should be filled in by the person in charge of the unit. The quality management mainly includes the quality evaluation system of joint review of drawings, technical disclosure, construction organization design, process handover, etc.
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