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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2020-08-25 关注次数:0
At present, dynamic compaction machine construction has been widely used in highway, railway, airport, nuclear power station, large industrial area, port reclamation and other foundation reinforcement projects, but the construction management mainly relies on human factors for process control. For example, the location of tamping point is more dependent on the experience of the operator, and the data parameters such as tamping times and tamping settlement of each tamping point can not be monitored, which has the disadvantages of repeated operation and low construction efficiency. The equipment can be better controlled by information technology and the operators can be better controlled by the equipment.
Rental price of dynamic compaction machine
1、 System introduction
The construction management system of dynamic compaction machine is composed of high precision positioning module, ranging module, display module, main control module and communication module.
1. High precision positioning module

High precision positioning module is generally based on GPS or Beidou system, through RTK technology to achieve high precision positioning, positioning accuracy can reach centimeter level. The high precision positioning module is composed of two positioning antennas, one is installed on the forehead of the boom of the dynamic compaction machine, and the other is installed on the top of the counterweight or A-frame at the tail of the dynamic compaction machine. There should be no covering above the antenna installation position. Through the precise positioning of the two antennas, we can judge the direction and direction of the dynamic compaction machine, the center position of the rotating shaft of the dynamic compaction machine and the surface elevation of the dynamic compaction machine.
2. Ranging module
The ranging module is composed of a ranging sensor and its cable. It is generally installed near the guide pulley of the main winch or boom. Its main function is to measure the lifting height, falling distance and tamping settlement of the rammer.
3. Display module
The display module is composed of an industrial tablet computer and its cable. The display module is installed in the driver's cabin of the dynamic compaction machine, which can display the real-time data of tamping point arrangement, tamping times, hammer lifting height, tamping settlement and dynamic simulation of rammer construction.
4. Main control module
The main control module is the control core of the whole system, whose function is to receive and process the sensor data, and send the processed data to the tablet computer for display, and send the construction data to the background cloud service monitoring center for processing through 4G antenna.
5. Communication module
The communication module is composed of 4G antenna, whose function is to transmit the construction data to the background cloud service monitoring center for processing in real time.
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