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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2022-09-17 关注次数:0
We need to detect in the dynamic compaction construction, and the dynamic compaction machine rental personnel will introduce several detection methods for the dynamic compaction construction, as follows:
1. Load test
After the completion of the foundation of the dynamic compaction project, if the test method adopted by the technicians is load test during the quality inspection of the foundation structure, the main object of the inspection is the bearing capacity and deformation modulus of the dynamic compaction foundation structure.
2. Standard penetration test
First of all, it should be emphasized that the scope of application of standard penetration test is the dynamic compaction foundation composed of sandy soil, silty soil and cohesive soil. This kind of foundation adopts standard brick penetration test method to detect the stability, compactness of foundation structure and deformation parameters of silt or sand. Of course, the standard penetration test method and load test method can also be combined to inspect and judge the bearing capacity and reinforcement depth of the foundation, and make corresponding evaluation on the effect of eliminating liquefied foundation.
3. Static penetration test
Similar to the standard penetration test method, the static penetration test is more suitable for clay, sand, silt and other soil layers with less gravel content. When this test method is used to test the dynamic compaction foundation, the main test objects are the specific penetration of the foundation structure, the cone resistance and the pore water pressure.
4. Dynamic penetration test
For some dynamic compaction foundations that use highly weathered hard rock or soft rock, sandy soil, gravelly soil and other soil structures as foundation soil, if you want to determine the porosity, compactness, strength or deformation parameters of foundation soil through foundation testing, the best choice is to use dynamic penetration test. When dynamic penetration test is used to detect the quality of dynamic compaction foundation, the reinforcement effect of foundation can be obtained by evaluating the uniformity of the site.
5. Field shear test
Field shear test is used to draw stress and strength, stress and displacement, stress and strain curves, and determine the shear strength, elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio of rock and soil.
6. Wave velocity test
Wave velocity test is applicable to determine geotechnical parameters related to wave velocity, such as wave velocity, shear modulus, elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio, etc. of compression wave and shear wave, so as to test the effect of geotechnical reinforcement and improvement.
This is the end of several detection methods for dynamic compaction construction. You can also try to use six detection methods. The operation should be correct. More information can be found on our website http://www.sddhfjx.cn Consult!
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