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网址:http://www.sddhfjx.cn/   发布日期:2022-05-16 关注次数:0
We may not know that we have decades of working experience in applying dynamic compaction structure to strengthen subgrade. At the same time, the construction effect also shows that dynamic compaction is a good foundation method, but for different soil layers, it will endanger the implementation level of dynamic compaction. Next, let me introduce what soil is suitable for dynamic compaction
Class a non full soil, which has high density and high compressive strength. The common soil type of this kind of soil layer is loess layer. The viscosity of loess is relatively strong. Only after tamping can a better soil surface be achieved. At this time, the land resources can be used as the construction Subgrade of houses, and at the same time, the bearing capacity of soil can be further improved.
The second is full soil. In the case of dynamic compaction, the soil layer of full soil will produce an obvious impact and discharge the water in the soil, which can improve the strength of the soil. At the same time, through continuous percussion, the water in the soil has long been discharged neatly, which can also make the soil layer stronger and carry multi-storey buildings more effectively, which is not easy to cause harm to life.
Dynamic compaction is applicable to field A. whether it is the construction of houses or the basic construction of processing plants, dynamic compaction can be used to carry out a structural reinforcement of the soil layer to be built, so that the construction of buildings in the future can be carried out faster, and a better guarantee can be obtained for the firmness of houses. The above content is a detailed introduction to the soil suitable for dynamic compaction. We look forward to the above content to help us!
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